… and the World Remained Silent

Ben Abraham’s wife, Miriam Necrycz, mentions the publication of “… and the World Remained Silent” in her own book, “Account of a Life”:

“Some time after our first trip to Israel, Chaim told me that he intended to write his memories of the years of Nazi occupation.

I was afraid that remembering those painful facts would make him suffer. For several years he had suffered greatly when he remembered his teenage years spent in the ghetto and concretation camps. He would often have nightmares with the death of his loved one; he cried out for them in his dreams.

[…] However, something amazing happened. The more Chaim recounted the past, the calmer he became. He could write and even look at the photographs taken by the Nazis, showing torture and death. Remembering and describing his memories had a beneficial effect on him, as if, through his writings, he was being delivered from that suffering.

[…] It was not easy to publish the first book. Chaim still did not have the necessary experience and knowledge in this area, but that did not hinder him. With courage and persistence, he faced all obstacles and always managed to accomplish his goals”.

Livro_e o mundo silenciou
Cover of the Book “… and the World Remained Silent”. (Pastel).