
The main sources for the written content of this website are the books written by Ben Abraham and his wife Miriam Nekrycz, as well as recorded interviews with the couple.

The art pieces in this website have been produced by students and alumni of the Word of Faith Christian School, Spindale, USA, the Colégio Cristão Rhema, Franco da Rocha, Brazil, and the Escola Cristã Verbo Vivo, São Joaquim de Bicas, Brazil.

The paintings reproduce original images, secured from reliable historical sources, such as:

The Yad Vashem Museum in Jerusalem, Israel

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, em Washington, Estados Unidos

The Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Museum, Oświęcim, Polônia

Other paintings reproduce images from the personal files of Ben Abraham and Miriam Nekrycz.

The pieces displayed in this website have been chosen to bear witness to the History and the evidence of the Holocaust of the Jewish people, besides illustrating the story of Ben Abraham and Miriam Nekrycz.

The books used as main sources for the written content were:

Year of Publication Title in Portuguese Translation of the Title Author
1972 … e o mundo silenciou. … and the world remained silent. Ben Abraham
1990 Diário de um Repórter Diary of a Reporter Ben Abraham
1992 De Varsóvia a Entebbe From Warsaw to Entebbe Ben Abraham
1993 Mengele – A Verdade Veio à Tona Mengele – Truth Exposed Ben Abraham
1995 Relato de uma Vida Account of a life Miriam Nekrycz
1996 Memórias – Retrospectivas dos Fatos Memories – Retrospective of the Facts Ben Abraham

All artistic images in this website are copyrighted to the Word of Faith Christian School Holocaust Museum, to the Memorial do Holocausto da Escola Cristã Verbo Vivo, to the Memorial do Holocausto do Colégio Cristão Rhema, and to the to the Memorial do Holocausto da Escola Cristã Verbo Vivo.

The photographs in this website are copyrighted to Ben Abraham e Miriam Nekrycz.